The Knowledge Coop Blog

Weekly Challenge: Get Your Community Challenge On!

Written by Kristin O'Neill | Nov 9, 2017 1:00:00 PM

This month we’re talking about building community, so I thought we’d focus our challenges on some company culture-building activities. What kind of activities? Well, weekly challenges of course! Turns out we used to do this, long ago (okay, two years ago but still, that feels like ages.) We called it the “Dare of the Week.” So, I’m reviving it, a Dare of the Week 2.0 if you will, as our Weekly Challenge.

Your challenge this week is to get a weekly challenge going in your office. What are some ways you could connect with your co-workers to challenge each other to do good and fun things?

  • Post a note in your Coop

    Of course, when it comes to finding ways to communicate with each other about our weekly challenges, one fabulous communication tool comes to mind – ahem – The Coop.  Post a note in the coop each week with the weekly challenge and tag everyone you want to invite to join you.
  • Put it on the board

    Go analog if that makes it easy. Do you have a white board or chalk board somewhere that everyone sees regularly, like in the kitchen or another common area? You could keep it simple and just scribble a new challenge up there every week.
  • Pipe up on Monday

    I’m going to guess that your company has some sort of regular weekly check in - most companies do. We have a Monday morning meeting each week which is a great opportunity to share weekly challenges.

We’ll be doing all three – sharing on Monday morning, writing it out on the chalkboard, and posting it in the Coop so we can all see it and share how it’s going. Here’s a peek at our challenge note in our company Coop, featuring a shot of Ken channeling Oscar the Grouch in a Dare of the Week from May 2015. Silly Ken.

What sort of challenges will you do? At the last place I worked the department had a stair climb challenge. The challenge was to walk up from the lobby as many times as possible in one day. It was intense – the department was on the 14th floor! I think I did it twice in a day, that was enough for me. The record was 6 or 7. Impressive! And what a great way to work some fitness into your day. But it doesn’t have to be all about fitness- it could be:

  • A habit,
  • A task,
  • A problem to solve, or
  • Anything that resonates with your people.

You can follow along with us week by week and make our challenge your challenge, or make up your own. What makes sense where you work? What matters to the people you work with? Don’t forget, anyone can create a challenge. You can invite other people to suggest and write up challenges too. We’ll keep you posted about how our challenges go and you can do the same in the comments. Good luck and have fun getting everyone involved. See you next week with a new challenge.