Ken has some thoughts on the news about KW Mortgage. If you've missed the news, Brian from National ...
Blog & News
News in mortgage:
This week the FTC released some big news on their blog. Now you can report identit y theft on identi...
News in mortgage:
News in mortgage: On the regulatory relief bill, on non-banks in the media, on a new proposed name &...
As Ken tours Oregon with his 8-hour CE seminar, he takes a moment to share his thoughts on the CFPB,...
Don't loose track of the latest in the mortgage industry - Watch our video on last week's hottest ne...
In this Weekly Update, Nathan brings in Lord of the Rings and Greg McKeown's book, Essentialism, to ...
Here's to Mortgage Action Alliance for being extremely proactive, to the FHA for extending disaster ...
Let's get real. No one really knows how the recent tax reform will play out, at least not until it t...
Learn how the nation is standardizing online notarization, how NAMB wants to outlaw trigger leads, a...
Trump's 2019 HUD budget includes extended Fannie & Freddie guaranty fees, a fee to lenders for F...